Happy New Year, stitchy friends!

We’re ringing it in by starting off with a bang. Our chapter is featured on the EGA National website, thanks to the success of our Girl Scout Teaching Program. This makes me a proud Prez for two reasons: we’ve been increasingly successful teaching today’s youth about needlework…and we’re sharing how we do it with our fellow chapters all across the country. I love how passionate our chapter is about sharing our love of needlework AND helping our stitchy friends within EGA to make their own chapters successful. Huge thanks go out to Debra Bessent for writing the program manual and creating the program, and to Lisa Slay for everything she’s done on the Outreach team to get the program out there and get troops scheduled for class. The Outreach team has done a great job supporting the program as well, which wouldn’t be successful without all the hard work that goes into it. I can’t wait to see how many young lives we touch in 2024!
While we’re talking about Girl Scouts, get ready for some fun at our February General Meeting…because they’ll be there…with COOKIES! It’s cookie season for the Scouts, which is why we’re not teaching classes at the moment. They’re focusing all their energy on selling box after box of delicious cookies, so we invited them to stop by and sell to us! Did you know calories don’t count when you eat Girl Scout cookies at an EGA meeting? Facts.
We’re also going to learn how to make cording and tassels at our February General Meeting, which are useful skills for finishing your beautiful work. Bring an old hotel room key with you…or those dummy credit cards we all get in the mail. They’re the perfect size for this lesson.
Our March meeting has me even more excited because it’s our annual STASH SALE!!!! If you have stash you’d like to sell, you can rent a table for $20. Our chapter makes money off the table rentals, you keep all your sales – unless you’d like to donate some of your sales to the chapter as well…we’re never going to turn that down. 🙂
The new year also means our Bingo game is back! Last year, Sherri Hagar managed a very fun Bingo challenge and Anna Todd picked it up this year. She’s given us new squares to work on…so if you participated last year you won’t get bored this year! There are four different Bingo cards to choose from or you can play them all. They’re $5 each. If you missed the meeting this month, don’t fret – you can buy your Bingo cards here on the website and Anna can send you the pdf versions of your cards OR you can pick up the hard copy versions at our next meeting. She’s given you lots of ways to pay and participate…so get your booty into Bingo, y’all!
I hope you had a safe and happy transition into 2024. Here’s wishing all of us a happy and prosperous new year!